Today is NOT the New Year
Passover Month is the beginning of the New Year on Gods calender you should Obey God rather than Man but you keep Man new year but you do not keep Gods Time.
God began by correcting the way they were keeping time. He commanded that the month Abib (which came to be called Nisan after the Babylonian captivity—Esther 3:7) be their first month. "Abib" is derived from the Hebrew word aviv, meaning "ears" or "green ears of grain." It is the month in which green ears of grain ripen—barley first, then winter wheat, which is usually still in green ears when the barley ripens. Thus God's calendar begins in the spring in the Northern Hemisphere.
April Fool's Day (April 1)
In sixteenth-century France, the start of the new year was observed on April first. It was celebrated in much the same way as it is today with parties and dancing into the late hours of the night. Then in 1562, Pope Gregory introduced a new calendar for the Christian world, and the new year fell on January first. There were some people, however, who hadn't heard or didn't believe the change in the date, so they continued to celebrate New Year's Day on April first. Others played tricks on them and called them "April fools." They sent them on a "fool's errand" or tried to make them believe that something false was true. In France today, April first is called "Poisson d'Avril." French children fool their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends' backs. When the "young fool" discovers this trick, the prankster yells "Poisson d'Avril!" (April Fish!)Today Americans play small tricks on friends and strangers alike on the first of April. One common trick on April Fool's Day, or All Fool's Day, is pointing down to a friend's shoe and saying, "Your shoelace is untied." Teachers in the nineteenth century used to say to pupils, "Look! A flock of geese!" and point up. School children might tell a classmate that school has been canceled. Whatever the trick, if the innocent victim falls for the joke the prankster yells, "April Fool! "The "fools' errands" we play on people are practical jokes. Putting salt in the sugar bowl for the next person is not a nice trick to play on a stranger. College students set their clocks an hour behind, so their roommates show up to the wrong class - or not at all. Some practical jokes are kept up the whole day before the victim realizes what day it is. Most April Fool jokes are in good fun and not meant to harm anyone. The most clever April Fool joke is the one where everyone laughs, especially the person upon whom the joke is played."The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year.
April Fools' Day: Origin and History
The uncertain origins of a foolish day
April Fools' Day, sometimes called All Fools' Day, is one of the most light hearted days of the year. Its origins are uncertain. Some see it as a celebration related to the turn of the seasons, while others believe it stems from the adoption of a new calendar.
New Year's Day Moves
Ancient cultures, including those as varied as the Romans and the Hindus, celebrated New Year's Day on or around April 1. It closely follows the vernal equinox (March 20th or March 21st.) In medieval times, much of Europe celebrated March 25, the Feast of Annunciation, as the beginning of the new year.
In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII ordered a new calendar (the Gregorian Calendar) to replace the old Julian Calendar. The new calendar called for New Year's Day to be celebrated Jan. 1. That year, France adopted the reformed calendar and shifted New Year's day to Jan. 1. According to a popular explanation, many people either refused to accept the new date, or did not learn about it, and continued to celebrate New Year's Day on April 1. Other people began to make fun of these traditionalists, sending them on "fool's errands" or trying to trick them into believing something false. Eventually, the practice spread throughout Europe.
Problems With This Explanation
There are at least two difficulties with this explanation. The first is that it doesn't fully account for the spread of April Fools' Day to other European countries. The Gregorian calendar was not adopted by England until 1752, for example, but April Fools' Day was already well established there by that point. The second is that we have no direct historical evidence for this explanation, only conjecture, and that conjecture appears to have been made more recently.
Constantine and Kugel
Another explanation of the origins of April Fools' Day was provided by Joseph Boskin, a professor of history at Boston University. He explained that the practice began during the reign of Constantine, when a group of court jesters and fools told the Roman emperor that they could do a better job of running the empire. Constantine, amused, allowed a jester named Kugel to be king for one day. Kugel passed an edict calling for absurdity on that day, and the custom became an annual event.
"In a way," explained Prof. Boskin, "it was a very serious day. In those times fools were really wise men. It was the role of jesters to put things in perspective with humor."
This explanation was brought to the public's attention in an Associated Press article printed by many newspapers in 1983. There was only one catch: Boskin made the whole thing up. It took a couple of weeks for the AP to realize that they'd been victims of an April Fools' joke themselves.
Spring Fever
It is worth noting that many different cultures have had days of foolishness around the start of April, give or take a couple of weeks. The Romans had a festival named Hilaria on March 25, rejoicing in the resurrection of Attis. The Hindu calendar has Holi, and the Jewish calendar has Purim. Perhaps there's something about the time of year, with its turn from winter to spring, that lends itself to lighthearted celebrations.
Observances Around the World
April Fools' Day is observed throughout the Western world. Practices include sending someone on a "fool's errand," looking for things that don't exist; playing pranks; and trying to get people to believe ridiculous things.
The French call April 1 Poisson d'Avril, or "April Fish." French children sometimes tape a picture of a fish on the back of their schoolmates, crying "Poisson d'Avril" when the prank is discovered.
Why do people think today is the New Year?
I got the day off for it and it says so on my calender. Nuff said!
Reply:How many times are you going to ask this question?
Friday, March 12, 2010
Rabbit advice needed on diet please. Thanks?
My pet house rabbit is now 16/17 weeks old. He usually has pellets, fresh water and as much hay as he wants daily. He has had a couple of rabbit treats over the past week.
Today he has managed to escape from his hutch and has munched on banana %26amp; orange out of the fruit bowl (left apple %26amp; pineapple) he has eaten a few leafs from my house plant (Madagascian dragon tree) a few pieces of chocolate out of the selection box he demolished, as well as my electric bill and a pair of shoe laces. He also peed on every chair of a leather settee. Ate/shredded tinsel and managed to get some baubles off tree!
He is fine and doesnt seem to be ill in fact he is extremely lively or is he hiding any potential illness?. Should i now be introducing fruits veg to his diet? I thought he wouldnt/shouldnt eat chocolate? I have phoned the vet and left message but he has not got back to me so thought would ask here. He has not had any vaccinations yet either as booked in next week. Thanks for your advice
Rabbit advice needed on diet please. Thanks?
You are very lucky. Sounds like he's okay :) Consider giving him hay only for the next two days so he can push out any tinsel or whatever he may have ingested. Hay only poops will be lighter in color than normal and it's perfectly okay to give him just hay for two days then put him back on his pellets.
Your little guy is JUST old enough to have "greens" by my rules (4 months). Don't over do it as it can cause enteritis which is the #1 killer of baby bunnies. At his age he should be able to handle it. Just introduce them slowly.
Give 1 inch of banana, 1 slice of apple, 1 strawberry, 1 small leaf of dark green lettuce, 1 baby carrot, 1 or two carrots tops or parsley sprigs, etc, etc, but NOT all those at once. One treat 3 times a week is enough. Keep giving pellets in a measured amount that your rabbit can finish off in 1 hour and all the hay and water he wants. You don't want a fat rabbit. Lean is best for his health. Just so long as you can't feel the vertebrae in his spine, he's good.
Sounds like he's reached toddlerhood and you'd really better keep close tabs on him and rabbit-proof you house to keep him safe. Put latches on cabinet doors, keep cords out of the way or cover them with tubing. I supervise our rabbits whenever they are running around the house. For goodness sake, NO chocolate, tinsel, Christmas trees, ornaments, or house plants! lol.
Don't know anything about vaccinations needed in your country. Rabbits in the U.S.A don't need any.
Reply:THe following may help you
Reply:lol hes probly lively from all the chocolate hes ate! i cant see why fruit would do him any harm, its good for us, so i guess it cant be bad for rabbits.
Reply:the fruits are prefectly ok for him to eat!!!!!! a bit much at once but he should be fine. as for the plant i'm not farmiliar with it, but i don't recognized it as being poisoness. diet wise i would provide 1/2 cup of pellet per 5 pounds of body weight. 1 daily!!!!!! hay all the time( grass hay not alfalfa) and of course water all the time, you can also give a large handful of greens everyday! i feed this same diet 2 all 20 of my rabbits, and have had no health problems with it, one more tip introduce the greens slowly
Reply:I think if he is acting and especially EATING normally then he is fine. Rabbits chew on some weird stuff sometimes and that's okay. My two made a warren basically in two of my stuffed chairs! (luckily they were cheap chairs).
But ...i need to tell you...if he slows down AT in he stops eating, or you go to give him a treat that you know he loves and he doesn't accept it, then yes. something is wrong. and you don't wait to see what happens. If a vet sends you home with some probiotic and tells you to sit on it then they are an idiot. (i lost a rabbit this way, and the good exotic vet that I took him to probably could have saved him if I had brought him there FIRST). so not eating is a big problem, as is lethargy. usually as they are not eating you will also notice them just kind of sitting there like a lump. This means immediate (good) rabbit vet that may have to do surgery to remove the block.
But. it sounds like your rabbit is acting normally so everything is fine. hope this helps.
one last thing, it's good that you are providing the hay at all times, as this is something that helps in terms of keeping their little systems running and preventing blockages. (timothy hay)
Reply:Your rabbit may or may not be fine. Just keep a close watch on how your rabbit eats and also keep an eye out for whether your rabbit exhibits signs of diarrhea (a lot of soft stool, or poop stuck underneath the rabbit around its rear end). As another person mentioned also watch the body language of the rabbit. If you see it constantly hunched in a corner and not acting like regular then something is probably wrong. If so, you'll probably see a decrease or stoppage in the amount of pellets your rabbit eats.
As far as the dangers from what your rabbit ate, there are a few I'd be concerned about:
1. The tinsel could possibly later become an obstruction in the rabbit's intestines. If it does, your rabbit will stop eating and will probably also stop pooping.
2. The chocolate or plant leaves could possibly be poisonous. If you haven't seen any bad signs in the first few hours your rabbit is probably ok in that regards.
3. Fruits and vegetables are high in sugars and can cause diarrhea in rabbits. I do not recommend feeding them because they can make your rabbit fat and can also risk giving your rabbit diarrhea. They can be given in limited amount, but if you give too much, especially to a young rabbit or a rabbit during summer you risk diarrhea. The rabbit pellets are specifically developed by animal nutritionists to be a balanced diet for the rabbit. Adding fruits and vegetables to their diet can throw off that balance. Although fruits and vegetables are good for humans, you have to remember that rabbits are not humans and therefore require a different type of diet. To rabbits, if you gave them too much fruits or vegetables it would be like loading kids up on a lot of sweets. They get fat and don't get the proper nutrition they need. It reminds me of one lazy friend that stayed at my place for a week. He ate nothing but ice cream and salsa for about a day or so then wondered why he felt bad and had diarrhea. I was like, "Duh! What do you think will happen when all you eat is Salsa and Ice Cream?!"
As far as vaccinations, if you live in the US, no vaccinations are required for rabbits and really there is no reason to give a rabbit any vaccinations. The rabbit should normally be penned up and will normally not come into contact with any other animals. As far as I know, there is no rabbit disease that is communicable to humans except for I believe one in Australia that was created by humans to help control the wild rabbit population in Australia. I don't think there has even been a recorded case of a domestic rabbit having rabies. If you live in Europe then your rabbit may require a few vaccinations.
As far as the hay, that is fine to feed your rabbit. I'd recommend keeping it to a small handful though. Some people say to free-feed hay. But I disagree with that notion. The rabbit pellets contain certain vitamins and minerals that the rabbit needs for a balanced diet. If your rabbit eats too much hay it may not get quiet the amount of minerals and vitamins that it needs. Also hay is not as high in protein as the rabbit feed is and may not provide the nourishment the rabbit needs if it is growing if its diet primarily consists of just hay by eating the hay and avoiding the pellets.
Many of the rabbit feeds on the market have been developed through years of research and by people who went to college specifically majoring in animal nutrition. I don't know more than a doctor does regarding medicine so I don't tell the doctor how to perform his surgeries. People that have only raised a few rabbits should not assume they know more than the animal nutritionists that developed the rabbit feeds and in a way try telling them how to do their job.
Stick to the pellets and water. A small handful of hay is good. The fiber from the hay helps prevent diarrhea. I recommend a stemmy hay like timothy hay. It is higher in fiber than alfalfa or clover.
Good luck with your rabbit. Keep a watchful eye on it for the next 3 days to a week. If you don't see any problems in a week, then I'd say you are in the clear.
Reply:your rabbit sounds a funny charactor.
here is a very good website. it has about what fruit and vegetables they can and can't have as well other bits to do with diet and rabbit care.
i hope this helps like it helped me.
Reply:Chocolate is a no-no for all animals as it contains things which are toxic to them.
At 17 weeks he is perhaps a little young to be eating fresh fruit (which should only be a treat as it is high in sugar) and veg. The tinsel may or may not cause problems; the laces %26amp; bill will not harm him. I'm not sure of the plant - I have no house plants and would only have bunny-safe flowers if I did such as marigold, nasturtium and rose.
Keep an eye on him %26amp; if he stops defecating or eating then please take him straight to your vet.
Reply:Definately have your vet make the decission, but its a good sign if he is having fun, he is ok, but, if it was my bunny, I would definately take him to get checked out at the very least peace of mind.
Here is a good website regarding diet....
Reply:Make sure you dont let him escape again.
It wouId be a variety in his diet to introduce fruit %26amp; veg and that would probably be more nutritional than pellets.
Reply:can't read whole question! isn't really a question ?
Reply:hey vets advice is better den mine
if he seems lively then after a couple of hours i wount wrry too much -get checked at vet tho x
Reply:my rabbit has done all of the above before, and he's fine. he's done this a few times, and he's been ok, just make sure you don't let him have too much fruit and veg, or it will give him an upset stomach. other than that, he should be fine. if you're worried, keep an eye on him, and if he seems to be acting different, take him to the vets as soon as you can.
Reply:He should be ok, thte only thing really dangerous there is the chocolate, even tiny ammounts can make him poorly. Try feeding him a little more food, he should have a around a handfull and a half of rabbit mix and then i tend to give him a bit of carrot. Carrry on with the hay and fresh water. The treats are fine as long as they are specially designed for rabbits. Try keeping him in a more secure place or a safer room apart from the kitchen as the rabbit hates the smell. Do not disturb him when he is pooing as most of this stuff needs to come out of his body. Hope this helps :)
car audio
Today he has managed to escape from his hutch and has munched on banana %26amp; orange out of the fruit bowl (left apple %26amp; pineapple) he has eaten a few leafs from my house plant (Madagascian dragon tree) a few pieces of chocolate out of the selection box he demolished, as well as my electric bill and a pair of shoe laces. He also peed on every chair of a leather settee. Ate/shredded tinsel and managed to get some baubles off tree!
He is fine and doesnt seem to be ill in fact he is extremely lively or is he hiding any potential illness?. Should i now be introducing fruits veg to his diet? I thought he wouldnt/shouldnt eat chocolate? I have phoned the vet and left message but he has not got back to me so thought would ask here. He has not had any vaccinations yet either as booked in next week. Thanks for your advice
Rabbit advice needed on diet please. Thanks?
You are very lucky. Sounds like he's okay :) Consider giving him hay only for the next two days so he can push out any tinsel or whatever he may have ingested. Hay only poops will be lighter in color than normal and it's perfectly okay to give him just hay for two days then put him back on his pellets.
Your little guy is JUST old enough to have "greens" by my rules (4 months). Don't over do it as it can cause enteritis which is the #1 killer of baby bunnies. At his age he should be able to handle it. Just introduce them slowly.
Give 1 inch of banana, 1 slice of apple, 1 strawberry, 1 small leaf of dark green lettuce, 1 baby carrot, 1 or two carrots tops or parsley sprigs, etc, etc, but NOT all those at once. One treat 3 times a week is enough. Keep giving pellets in a measured amount that your rabbit can finish off in 1 hour and all the hay and water he wants. You don't want a fat rabbit. Lean is best for his health. Just so long as you can't feel the vertebrae in his spine, he's good.
Sounds like he's reached toddlerhood and you'd really better keep close tabs on him and rabbit-proof you house to keep him safe. Put latches on cabinet doors, keep cords out of the way or cover them with tubing. I supervise our rabbits whenever they are running around the house. For goodness sake, NO chocolate, tinsel, Christmas trees, ornaments, or house plants! lol.
Don't know anything about vaccinations needed in your country. Rabbits in the U.S.A don't need any.
Reply:THe following may help you
Reply:lol hes probly lively from all the chocolate hes ate! i cant see why fruit would do him any harm, its good for us, so i guess it cant be bad for rabbits.
Reply:the fruits are prefectly ok for him to eat!!!!!! a bit much at once but he should be fine. as for the plant i'm not farmiliar with it, but i don't recognized it as being poisoness. diet wise i would provide 1/2 cup of pellet per 5 pounds of body weight. 1 daily!!!!!! hay all the time( grass hay not alfalfa) and of course water all the time, you can also give a large handful of greens everyday! i feed this same diet 2 all 20 of my rabbits, and have had no health problems with it, one more tip introduce the greens slowly
Reply:I think if he is acting and especially EATING normally then he is fine. Rabbits chew on some weird stuff sometimes and that's okay. My two made a warren basically in two of my stuffed chairs! (luckily they were cheap chairs).
But ...i need to tell you...if he slows down AT in he stops eating, or you go to give him a treat that you know he loves and he doesn't accept it, then yes. something is wrong. and you don't wait to see what happens. If a vet sends you home with some probiotic and tells you to sit on it then they are an idiot. (i lost a rabbit this way, and the good exotic vet that I took him to probably could have saved him if I had brought him there FIRST). so not eating is a big problem, as is lethargy. usually as they are not eating you will also notice them just kind of sitting there like a lump. This means immediate (good) rabbit vet that may have to do surgery to remove the block.
But. it sounds like your rabbit is acting normally so everything is fine. hope this helps.
one last thing, it's good that you are providing the hay at all times, as this is something that helps in terms of keeping their little systems running and preventing blockages. (timothy hay)
Reply:Your rabbit may or may not be fine. Just keep a close watch on how your rabbit eats and also keep an eye out for whether your rabbit exhibits signs of diarrhea (a lot of soft stool, or poop stuck underneath the rabbit around its rear end). As another person mentioned also watch the body language of the rabbit. If you see it constantly hunched in a corner and not acting like regular then something is probably wrong. If so, you'll probably see a decrease or stoppage in the amount of pellets your rabbit eats.
As far as the dangers from what your rabbit ate, there are a few I'd be concerned about:
1. The tinsel could possibly later become an obstruction in the rabbit's intestines. If it does, your rabbit will stop eating and will probably also stop pooping.
2. The chocolate or plant leaves could possibly be poisonous. If you haven't seen any bad signs in the first few hours your rabbit is probably ok in that regards.
3. Fruits and vegetables are high in sugars and can cause diarrhea in rabbits. I do not recommend feeding them because they can make your rabbit fat and can also risk giving your rabbit diarrhea. They can be given in limited amount, but if you give too much, especially to a young rabbit or a rabbit during summer you risk diarrhea. The rabbit pellets are specifically developed by animal nutritionists to be a balanced diet for the rabbit. Adding fruits and vegetables to their diet can throw off that balance. Although fruits and vegetables are good for humans, you have to remember that rabbits are not humans and therefore require a different type of diet. To rabbits, if you gave them too much fruits or vegetables it would be like loading kids up on a lot of sweets. They get fat and don't get the proper nutrition they need. It reminds me of one lazy friend that stayed at my place for a week. He ate nothing but ice cream and salsa for about a day or so then wondered why he felt bad and had diarrhea. I was like, "Duh! What do you think will happen when all you eat is Salsa and Ice Cream?!"
As far as vaccinations, if you live in the US, no vaccinations are required for rabbits and really there is no reason to give a rabbit any vaccinations. The rabbit should normally be penned up and will normally not come into contact with any other animals. As far as I know, there is no rabbit disease that is communicable to humans except for I believe one in Australia that was created by humans to help control the wild rabbit population in Australia. I don't think there has even been a recorded case of a domestic rabbit having rabies. If you live in Europe then your rabbit may require a few vaccinations.
As far as the hay, that is fine to feed your rabbit. I'd recommend keeping it to a small handful though. Some people say to free-feed hay. But I disagree with that notion. The rabbit pellets contain certain vitamins and minerals that the rabbit needs for a balanced diet. If your rabbit eats too much hay it may not get quiet the amount of minerals and vitamins that it needs. Also hay is not as high in protein as the rabbit feed is and may not provide the nourishment the rabbit needs if it is growing if its diet primarily consists of just hay by eating the hay and avoiding the pellets.
Many of the rabbit feeds on the market have been developed through years of research and by people who went to college specifically majoring in animal nutrition. I don't know more than a doctor does regarding medicine so I don't tell the doctor how to perform his surgeries. People that have only raised a few rabbits should not assume they know more than the animal nutritionists that developed the rabbit feeds and in a way try telling them how to do their job.
Stick to the pellets and water. A small handful of hay is good. The fiber from the hay helps prevent diarrhea. I recommend a stemmy hay like timothy hay. It is higher in fiber than alfalfa or clover.
Good luck with your rabbit. Keep a watchful eye on it for the next 3 days to a week. If you don't see any problems in a week, then I'd say you are in the clear.
Reply:your rabbit sounds a funny charactor.
here is a very good website. it has about what fruit and vegetables they can and can't have as well other bits to do with diet and rabbit care.
i hope this helps like it helped me.
Reply:Chocolate is a no-no for all animals as it contains things which are toxic to them.
At 17 weeks he is perhaps a little young to be eating fresh fruit (which should only be a treat as it is high in sugar) and veg. The tinsel may or may not cause problems; the laces %26amp; bill will not harm him. I'm not sure of the plant - I have no house plants and would only have bunny-safe flowers if I did such as marigold, nasturtium and rose.
Keep an eye on him %26amp; if he stops defecating or eating then please take him straight to your vet.
Reply:Definately have your vet make the decission, but its a good sign if he is having fun, he is ok, but, if it was my bunny, I would definately take him to get checked out at the very least peace of mind.
Here is a good website regarding diet....
Reply:Make sure you dont let him escape again.
It wouId be a variety in his diet to introduce fruit %26amp; veg and that would probably be more nutritional than pellets.
Reply:can't read whole question! isn't really a question ?
Reply:hey vets advice is better den mine
if he seems lively then after a couple of hours i wount wrry too much -get checked at vet tho x
Reply:my rabbit has done all of the above before, and he's fine. he's done this a few times, and he's been ok, just make sure you don't let him have too much fruit and veg, or it will give him an upset stomach. other than that, he should be fine. if you're worried, keep an eye on him, and if he seems to be acting different, take him to the vets as soon as you can.
Reply:He should be ok, thte only thing really dangerous there is the chocolate, even tiny ammounts can make him poorly. Try feeding him a little more food, he should have a around a handfull and a half of rabbit mix and then i tend to give him a bit of carrot. Carrry on with the hay and fresh water. The treats are fine as long as they are specially designed for rabbits. Try keeping him in a more secure place or a safer room apart from the kitchen as the rabbit hates the smell. Do not disturb him when he is pooing as most of this stuff needs to come out of his body. Hope this helps :)
car audio
Okay "SEC fans"...?
Its really funny to me how you root for a whole conference and not a specific team. I know I know, by you saying how good your conference is, you give your teams an excuse when they lose...but thats a different subject..Anyways, in my 28 years of life, I cant remember one SEC team coming up North and playing a good nonconference opponent. ( or a tough nonconference game at all for that matter) All your bowl games are basically home games, like this year, if LSU manages to win out, they will be playing a freakin home game for the National title. Why dont you come to Columbus and play in the shoe? Or come to Ann Arbor and play in the Big House? Im sure Ohio State would love to schedule a game with any of you, which Im sure you would do, but only if it was a home game. I know you wouldnt come up North and play.
Okay "SEC fans"...?
True dat....i wanna see a SEC team play in the weather that the Ohio State/Michigan game was played in. You better be able to run the ball well. Passing in that type of weather is not an option.
Reply:Hey YT...
Ohio State plays in 90 degree weather with 80% humidity all the time... it's called August and early September... I just looked up the weather archives and this year, on september 8th, when Ohio State played Akron, it was 86 degrees with 78% humidity during the game... that's awfully close to your "come and play during 90degree/80% humidity, that we can't handle, right? It was 30 degrees and raining in Ann Arbor yesterday... It was 70 deg and sunny at Ole Miss yesterday...
Then we play in the freezing rain and snow and ice of November...
and then go play a bowl game in California, Arizona, New Orleans, Texas, or Florida...
I don't hate the SEC, but I would LOVE to see it just once, just once, for Florida, LSU, or heck, why not Texas or Miami come and play us JUST ONCE outdoors, in Chicago, or Buffalo... in November or December...
Just once...
By the way... in head to head in last years bowl games...
Yeah, Ohio State lost to Florida, but Penn State beat Tennessee and Wisconsin beat Arkansas, so what was that about the "big 2 and the little 9"?
The only real difference between the SEC and the BigTen is twofold.
First, BigTen fans admit it when we aren't the best. I have never heard an SEC fan ever admit that they aren't the best Conference every single year...
Second, BigTen teams can win in the cold.
Reply:Well the southern schools don't need to send an SEC team north to beat someone. They sent Appalachian State and beat Michigan handily.
Is the SEC the strongest conference? I don't know. They are not the weakest. The Big Ten is, once again, the big Two and little nine. Texas Tech moved the ball on Oklahoma at will. The ACC is a farce when the two best teams in the conference are Virginia and Virginia Tech - a team that lost to Wymoning by 20, and a team that lost to LSU by 41. My case for how strong or not strong the SEC is rests on the fact that Alabama took LSU to the ropes, and last yesterday to UL-Monroe. The PAC10? No clearcut favorite this year either. None of the pre-season front-runners are around. USC, California....
That being said, I have always said... if you want to be number one, go undefeated. At this point, the top five teams in order should be:
1. Kansas
2. Ohio State
3. West Virginia
4. Missouri
5. LSU
Based on who they have beat and who they have lost to.
Reply:yeah the SEC can talk trash as long as they are playing the in the comforts of warm weather, come up North and play with real men in the cold and sometimes snow.
Sure you have rain, but a cold rain and wind is a whole different story in a game.
Reply:Ok,, enuff.. Your momma doesn't have hold of your shirt tail and holding you back from coming down here to play. I'll ask you the same Q.. Why don't you come done here and play? Turn about is fair play. I don't see any northern teams juggling their schedules around to come down south and play either. If your team was in the NC game and coming to New Orleans you wouldn't even be posting this. I'll bet this question never crossed your mind last year when Ohio St. was in the NC game... Did it? OH,, and it wasn't played in the south last year. Ok,, the southwest maybe. Both teams had to travel about the same for the NC game last year. I wouldn't exactly call that home field advantage for either team.
Reply:SO TRUE!!!! The only team I can think of that went up north was when Tennessee played Notre Dame a few years back. They'd rather play LA Monroe, and Tulane for away games.
Reply:How about this. EVERYBODY stop scheduling patsies so they can pad their schedule with wins. Of course, we'd need a real playoff to avoid the popularity contest that has you all (y'all to the SEC) in such a snit. I saw an interesting statistic during the CAL/UW game. The only teams since 1978 to NOT schedule a non-FSB opponent:
There was one more I think, Southern team maybe.
Reply:hahah this is hilarious bring and sec team into cold weather are u kidding me ?? they may break a nail.....SEC = WEAK....and for the other guy talking about how "hardcore" lsu fans are...please guy u guys go to ur games in 70 degree weather and sit comfortable on ur little padded cushions....come up north and pack a stadium when its 20 degrees outside thats real fans!!!!! lets go eeeerrrrrrs!! DUB V
Reply:How about we flip that question a little? Why don't the uber powers of the north come south and play? Just as afraid of having heat stroke as you suppose the southern teams are of freezing maybe?
You come across touting the northern teams as being all that cause the SEC is afraid to come north and play them, but the same point works in reverse.
Hmmm, let's see....who was #1 last year at year's end? Who won the national title?
I guess that was all weather related though.
Reply:I have a better question: why don't Ohio State or Michigan play ranked teams?
Ohio State plays Akron, Toledo, Ball State, and friggin' Southern Ohio.
It isn't that far to Kentucky, travel down to Lexington or Louisville and see how good your teams are on the road. Or head over to Morgantown.
The Sec is the best conference simple because the number of ranked teams played. When you play 5 ranked teams in 8 weeks (like LSU, Kentucky, and South Carolina have) you tend to get worn out a little bit...
Beating UT, Auburn, Georgia, and Arkansas is just a little more prestigious then beating Akron, and Toledo.
Considering the number of SEC teams that already play far more games against the top 25 then other schools do how about your precious Ohio State go down South for a game or head to the Big East and try their hand at Rutgers, WVU, UConn, or UofL?
There is a reason that Cincy is the only team in Ohio that Ohio State hasn't played.
And I believe last year a SEC showed the world just how over-rated OSU is in the national title game, am I right?
(I'm not saying that Ohio State sucks, I'm just saying they don't play anyone...I'll reserve judgement for how good they are when they beat a top 25 team other than Michigan.)
Reply:LSU desires the respect of the rest of the conference. They might laugh us out of the SEC if we scheduled some pansy Ohio State team. Oh I wanted Ohio State to get to play LSU in the NC but y'all lost to an unranked team. Maybe next year.
Oh by the way tell me again how many times Ohio State has beaten an SEC team in a bowl game. I'll give you a hint. They have had eight opportunities.
Reply:i think cambo and archangel are the same person
Reply:do some small amount of research before you declare that SEC teams don't play in the north (or is it "when it's cold"?).
why don't you come to columbus and play in the shoe....
because to get osu on the schedule, osu would have to travel as well... 90% of the time it is a home/home swap (as you can see with USC 'the next two years'). might it be because osu doesn't want to travel into the deep south?
come to ann arbor and play in the big house? again same situation, only worse, michigan isn't a team worthy of consideration.
i understand big 10 NEEDS those out of conference games. for so long, it has only been michigan and ohio state sitting atop a pile of refuse (a bunch of teams that would be in the bottom of most of the other major conferences). i understand that big 10 fans have a chip on their shoulder about that, i'm sorry that you aren't that self aware to see it yourself. there is no fear of playing in the cold... just no desire to. why do you think they don't have bowls in buffalo Ny? someone north of the mason dixon line is smart... apparently not enough of you are linked to that one brain though.
Reply:Well I do have an answer to this , I have been watching for almost 50 years and this is why. It is a southern thing and us in the south believe in pulling together. We have alot of fun with our teams and we love southern football. I heard a girl from Bama say once its a southern thang!! And by the way Tiger Stadium just got voted the 3nd greatest and most intimidating staduim in the world. It was the only stadium in the US to get a vote over all. Like I say you have to be there to understand. Yes I love my LSU tiger and my other SEC teams. Yes I am a southern boy from the Bayou so I may be bias, but thats what it takes to have teams like LSU , We do alot more than just play football at the games, WE have fun!!
Reply:Awesome point dude. Actually should apply to all the conferences. I'm a Buckeye fan and wish they'd play at least two non-conference powerhouses each year instead of one also. Especially when my annual ticket allotment is for a game like OSU-Akron.
Reply:I can hear it now
but mommy, we play a tough conference schedule, we can't schedule the Big Schools, and play in their would be too cold, mommy
OHIO STATE vs USC next 2 years
Reply:Jealous are we? By the way, most of us have a few teams we absolutely hate. In my case Auburn takes 1st, followed by Florida and others. When it comes to non-conference I will always pull for the SEC team even if I hate them. I think the reason you see so much solidarity among SEC fans is because most people above the Mason-Dixon line assume we are all backwards hicks in the south and often spew their stupidity here. Guess what, the hicks will be sending 2 teams to the BCS bowls(including the title game). My guess is the hicks will win the Heisman with Teblow, Dorsey, or Mcfadden. Dorsey will almost definately win for best D-lineman, Highsmith may win for Linebacker(Outland trophy and forget the name of the other). LSU alone will send at least 7 players to the pros, including a possible first pick AGAIN with Dorsey.
I think people are jealous of the "hicks" because our football is far superior. Just picture my 3 toothed smile, in my bare feet, in my shack on the bayou as I flip you the bird and give a hearty rebel yell. Geaux Tigers and go SEC!!!
**As for the weather excuse....come down here and play in 90+ degree weather with 80% humidity and see how long your players last. For that matter, dont worry, there are planty of first aid stations to treat you wimpy fans that pass out from the heat and humidity. Also, Let me see any one of your teams play games while some of them and their families are homeless due to a devastating hurricane. Snow and cold....we aint skeered.
Reply:the sec is #1, we just dont play peasants . our conference has dignity you know, and about the big house, didn't Appalachian state answer that part of your rant? Michigan couldn't even beat a 1AA team , hmmmm.
get pale skin
Okay "SEC fans"...?
True dat....i wanna see a SEC team play in the weather that the Ohio State/Michigan game was played in. You better be able to run the ball well. Passing in that type of weather is not an option.
Reply:Hey YT...
Ohio State plays in 90 degree weather with 80% humidity all the time... it's called August and early September... I just looked up the weather archives and this year, on september 8th, when Ohio State played Akron, it was 86 degrees with 78% humidity during the game... that's awfully close to your "come and play during 90degree/80% humidity, that we can't handle, right? It was 30 degrees and raining in Ann Arbor yesterday... It was 70 deg and sunny at Ole Miss yesterday...
Then we play in the freezing rain and snow and ice of November...
and then go play a bowl game in California, Arizona, New Orleans, Texas, or Florida...
I don't hate the SEC, but I would LOVE to see it just once, just once, for Florida, LSU, or heck, why not Texas or Miami come and play us JUST ONCE outdoors, in Chicago, or Buffalo... in November or December...
Just once...
By the way... in head to head in last years bowl games...
Yeah, Ohio State lost to Florida, but Penn State beat Tennessee and Wisconsin beat Arkansas, so what was that about the "big 2 and the little 9"?
The only real difference between the SEC and the BigTen is twofold.
First, BigTen fans admit it when we aren't the best. I have never heard an SEC fan ever admit that they aren't the best Conference every single year...
Second, BigTen teams can win in the cold.
Reply:Well the southern schools don't need to send an SEC team north to beat someone. They sent Appalachian State and beat Michigan handily.
Is the SEC the strongest conference? I don't know. They are not the weakest. The Big Ten is, once again, the big Two and little nine. Texas Tech moved the ball on Oklahoma at will. The ACC is a farce when the two best teams in the conference are Virginia and Virginia Tech - a team that lost to Wymoning by 20, and a team that lost to LSU by 41. My case for how strong or not strong the SEC is rests on the fact that Alabama took LSU to the ropes, and last yesterday to UL-Monroe. The PAC10? No clearcut favorite this year either. None of the pre-season front-runners are around. USC, California....
That being said, I have always said... if you want to be number one, go undefeated. At this point, the top five teams in order should be:
1. Kansas
2. Ohio State
3. West Virginia
4. Missouri
5. LSU
Based on who they have beat and who they have lost to.
Reply:yeah the SEC can talk trash as long as they are playing the in the comforts of warm weather, come up North and play with real men in the cold and sometimes snow.
Sure you have rain, but a cold rain and wind is a whole different story in a game.
Reply:Ok,, enuff.. Your momma doesn't have hold of your shirt tail and holding you back from coming down here to play. I'll ask you the same Q.. Why don't you come done here and play? Turn about is fair play. I don't see any northern teams juggling their schedules around to come down south and play either. If your team was in the NC game and coming to New Orleans you wouldn't even be posting this. I'll bet this question never crossed your mind last year when Ohio St. was in the NC game... Did it? OH,, and it wasn't played in the south last year. Ok,, the southwest maybe. Both teams had to travel about the same for the NC game last year. I wouldn't exactly call that home field advantage for either team.
Reply:SO TRUE!!!! The only team I can think of that went up north was when Tennessee played Notre Dame a few years back. They'd rather play LA Monroe, and Tulane for away games.
Reply:How about this. EVERYBODY stop scheduling patsies so they can pad their schedule with wins. Of course, we'd need a real playoff to avoid the popularity contest that has you all (y'all to the SEC) in such a snit. I saw an interesting statistic during the CAL/UW game. The only teams since 1978 to NOT schedule a non-FSB opponent:
There was one more I think, Southern team maybe.
Reply:hahah this is hilarious bring and sec team into cold weather are u kidding me ?? they may break a nail.....SEC = WEAK....and for the other guy talking about how "hardcore" lsu fans are...please guy u guys go to ur games in 70 degree weather and sit comfortable on ur little padded cushions....come up north and pack a stadium when its 20 degrees outside thats real fans!!!!! lets go eeeerrrrrrs!! DUB V
Reply:How about we flip that question a little? Why don't the uber powers of the north come south and play? Just as afraid of having heat stroke as you suppose the southern teams are of freezing maybe?
You come across touting the northern teams as being all that cause the SEC is afraid to come north and play them, but the same point works in reverse.
Hmmm, let's see....who was #1 last year at year's end? Who won the national title?
I guess that was all weather related though.
Reply:I have a better question: why don't Ohio State or Michigan play ranked teams?
Ohio State plays Akron, Toledo, Ball State, and friggin' Southern Ohio.
It isn't that far to Kentucky, travel down to Lexington or Louisville and see how good your teams are on the road. Or head over to Morgantown.
The Sec is the best conference simple because the number of ranked teams played. When you play 5 ranked teams in 8 weeks (like LSU, Kentucky, and South Carolina have) you tend to get worn out a little bit...
Beating UT, Auburn, Georgia, and Arkansas is just a little more prestigious then beating Akron, and Toledo.
Considering the number of SEC teams that already play far more games against the top 25 then other schools do how about your precious Ohio State go down South for a game or head to the Big East and try their hand at Rutgers, WVU, UConn, or UofL?
There is a reason that Cincy is the only team in Ohio that Ohio State hasn't played.
And I believe last year a SEC showed the world just how over-rated OSU is in the national title game, am I right?
(I'm not saying that Ohio State sucks, I'm just saying they don't play anyone...I'll reserve judgement for how good they are when they beat a top 25 team other than Michigan.)
Reply:LSU desires the respect of the rest of the conference. They might laugh us out of the SEC if we scheduled some pansy Ohio State team. Oh I wanted Ohio State to get to play LSU in the NC but y'all lost to an unranked team. Maybe next year.
Oh by the way tell me again how many times Ohio State has beaten an SEC team in a bowl game. I'll give you a hint. They have had eight opportunities.
Reply:i think cambo and archangel are the same person
Reply:do some small amount of research before you declare that SEC teams don't play in the north (or is it "when it's cold"?).
why don't you come to columbus and play in the shoe....
because to get osu on the schedule, osu would have to travel as well... 90% of the time it is a home/home swap (as you can see with USC 'the next two years'). might it be because osu doesn't want to travel into the deep south?
come to ann arbor and play in the big house? again same situation, only worse, michigan isn't a team worthy of consideration.
i understand big 10 NEEDS those out of conference games. for so long, it has only been michigan and ohio state sitting atop a pile of refuse (a bunch of teams that would be in the bottom of most of the other major conferences). i understand that big 10 fans have a chip on their shoulder about that, i'm sorry that you aren't that self aware to see it yourself. there is no fear of playing in the cold... just no desire to. why do you think they don't have bowls in buffalo Ny? someone north of the mason dixon line is smart... apparently not enough of you are linked to that one brain though.
Reply:Well I do have an answer to this , I have been watching for almost 50 years and this is why. It is a southern thing and us in the south believe in pulling together. We have alot of fun with our teams and we love southern football. I heard a girl from Bama say once its a southern thang!! And by the way Tiger Stadium just got voted the 3nd greatest and most intimidating staduim in the world. It was the only stadium in the US to get a vote over all. Like I say you have to be there to understand. Yes I love my LSU tiger and my other SEC teams. Yes I am a southern boy from the Bayou so I may be bias, but thats what it takes to have teams like LSU , We do alot more than just play football at the games, WE have fun!!
Reply:Awesome point dude. Actually should apply to all the conferences. I'm a Buckeye fan and wish they'd play at least two non-conference powerhouses each year instead of one also. Especially when my annual ticket allotment is for a game like OSU-Akron.
Reply:I can hear it now
but mommy, we play a tough conference schedule, we can't schedule the Big Schools, and play in their would be too cold, mommy
OHIO STATE vs USC next 2 years
Reply:Jealous are we? By the way, most of us have a few teams we absolutely hate. In my case Auburn takes 1st, followed by Florida and others. When it comes to non-conference I will always pull for the SEC team even if I hate them. I think the reason you see so much solidarity among SEC fans is because most people above the Mason-Dixon line assume we are all backwards hicks in the south and often spew their stupidity here. Guess what, the hicks will be sending 2 teams to the BCS bowls(including the title game). My guess is the hicks will win the Heisman with Teblow, Dorsey, or Mcfadden. Dorsey will almost definately win for best D-lineman, Highsmith may win for Linebacker(Outland trophy and forget the name of the other). LSU alone will send at least 7 players to the pros, including a possible first pick AGAIN with Dorsey.
I think people are jealous of the "hicks" because our football is far superior. Just picture my 3 toothed smile, in my bare feet, in my shack on the bayou as I flip you the bird and give a hearty rebel yell. Geaux Tigers and go SEC!!!
**As for the weather excuse....come down here and play in 90+ degree weather with 80% humidity and see how long your players last. For that matter, dont worry, there are planty of first aid stations to treat you wimpy fans that pass out from the heat and humidity. Also, Let me see any one of your teams play games while some of them and their families are homeless due to a devastating hurricane. Snow and cold....we aint skeered.
Reply:the sec is #1, we just dont play peasants . our conference has dignity you know, and about the big house, didn't Appalachian state answer that part of your rant? Michigan couldn't even beat a 1AA team , hmmmm.
get pale skin
Who has a good wardrobe malfunction story?
Anyone got a good story of public failure of clothing to do its job? It doesn't have to be private parts showing like Janet Jackson at the super bowl. For guys, it usually starts with the pants zipper being undone in public or toilet paper stuck to the shoe. These unfortunate incidents can seem funny after time heals the embarrassment. It can be either your own mishap or something you witnessed.
Who has a good wardrobe malfunction story?
I was out on a first (and last) date with a very well-to-do man. I wanted to make a good impression so I asked a friend if I could borrow her really pretty blouse. Well it was a tad snug, but it did go on.
I was dining in an elegant restaurant with him making casual conversation. I leaned back to straighten my shoulders and POP! the button on my blouse flew across the table and PING right into his wine glass making a retty ringing sound.
I was shocked and could feel my face flaming while I covered my cleavage. He just gently smiled and said, "I'm happy to see you too!"
Reply:Well after my button pinged my date's wine glass, I started laughing and then snorted! It just didn't get any better, I'll tell ya. Report It
Reply:Hi Kate,
I work for a women's magazine and am interested in n possibly using your story for an embarrassing/ funny moments page. This story is hilarious! The topic is "my most mortifying wardrobe moment!" Please send me a message if you are interested. Thanks!
Dana Report It
Reply:This one day, I dove into a swimming pool and swam underwater halfway down the pool. When I came up I realized that the force of the dive caused my boob to come out of the top. My boyfriend's 15 year old son just happened to be under the water with his goggles. At the same time, my boyfriend was yelling from the side of the pool "I see a boob!"
Reply:it happened in India , a gorgoeus modelz halter top came off and another onez skirt was ripped off from the middle at the back next day it was all over the news papers
Reply:You know those water gel bras, I had one leak at work, had to dry my shirt and go braless and flat the rest of the day.
Reply:Well, me and some friends of mine were at a water park, flirting with the lifeguards. I have to buy mix and match bikini's mind you, b/c I have to wear a large top and a medium bottom. Me and my best friend were about to go down one of the slides double, and we were playing around when my other friend comes up behind me and untied my top, exposing "the girls" the everybody there.
Reply:Janet Jackson certainly did LOL
pale skin
Who has a good wardrobe malfunction story?
I was out on a first (and last) date with a very well-to-do man. I wanted to make a good impression so I asked a friend if I could borrow her really pretty blouse. Well it was a tad snug, but it did go on.
I was dining in an elegant restaurant with him making casual conversation. I leaned back to straighten my shoulders and POP! the button on my blouse flew across the table and PING right into his wine glass making a retty ringing sound.
I was shocked and could feel my face flaming while I covered my cleavage. He just gently smiled and said, "I'm happy to see you too!"
Reply:Well after my button pinged my date's wine glass, I started laughing and then snorted! It just didn't get any better, I'll tell ya. Report It
Reply:Hi Kate,
I work for a women's magazine and am interested in n possibly using your story for an embarrassing/ funny moments page. This story is hilarious! The topic is "my most mortifying wardrobe moment!" Please send me a message if you are interested. Thanks!
Dana Report It
Reply:This one day, I dove into a swimming pool and swam underwater halfway down the pool. When I came up I realized that the force of the dive caused my boob to come out of the top. My boyfriend's 15 year old son just happened to be under the water with his goggles. At the same time, my boyfriend was yelling from the side of the pool "I see a boob!"
Reply:it happened in India , a gorgoeus modelz halter top came off and another onez skirt was ripped off from the middle at the back next day it was all over the news papers
Reply:You know those water gel bras, I had one leak at work, had to dry my shirt and go braless and flat the rest of the day.
Reply:Well, me and some friends of mine were at a water park, flirting with the lifeguards. I have to buy mix and match bikini's mind you, b/c I have to wear a large top and a medium bottom. Me and my best friend were about to go down one of the slides double, and we were playing around when my other friend comes up behind me and untied my top, exposing "the girls" the everybody there.
Reply:Janet Jackson certainly did LOL
pale skin
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