Friday, November 6, 2009

Can anyone help me with this orphaned baby sparrow in south australia?

I have just rescued a baby sparrow with feathers from my cat. It appears uninjured and at the moment I have it sitting in a little cane bowl lined with tissues and also a small teddy bear. And this little nest is inside a shoe box on my dressing table away from direct strong light. I am at the moment trying to keep the room darkish for him as it is probably sleepy. It seems quite alert, however it is almost dark now so it wont be going anywhere tonight now. What can I do to make sure it lives thru the night. I have tried to put some water driplets on top of its little beak and have tried very gently to entice him to open his beak but he just looks at me very intently and follows me with his head and eyes. Very cute, so I dont intend on releasing him unless he is very safe which he wont be as he isnt flying or hopping around properly yet. hasnt made a sound either. I will see if there are any vets in this area in the morning who help wildlife, but until then he needs all my help

Can anyone help me with this orphaned baby sparrow in south australia?
Call Fauna Rescue of South Australia on 08 8289 0896. They will give you all the advice you need.
Reply:Hi Jamie. I'm not an expert on sparrows, but I read on another site that arrowroot biscuits dipped in water will do until you can get insects etc.

Best of luck.
Reply:look up wildlife rehabilitator


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