Saturday, October 24, 2009

Can you believe this....?

I do daycare for a living and I have had these 2 children for 3 days now and already had to let them go. Mom is where the problem is coming from I am sure but here is my issues with mom:

1. Always VERY late (one day 4 hours late with no call) she still expects me to feed her children lunch if she is over an hour late

2. She asked me not to change sons diaper much (I usually change every 1-2 hours) she said to change only when really full!

3. She doesnt send her kids with wipes and oneday without shoes.

AND... Her kids:

1. spits in my face

2. pee's on floors (intentually)

3. screams when told "no" and the other screams for time out like shes being killed..not exgaggerating

4. throws plate/bowl on floor when finished

5. bites/Hits


and let me just say, I know kids do some of these stuff but I feel alot of it comes from family and no dicipline. They are 2 and 4 years old.

Can you believe this....?
Yes I absolutely can believe it! I am a teacher and I see it all day. I believe it comes from parents being too lazy to discipline their children. Children take WORK! Too many parents let their kids do whatever they want because it's easier on them. It's too much hard work to discipline and be consistent. Plus, parents are afraid their kids won't "like them" if they are tough on them. I'd rather my children be polite, kind, responsible, and productive citizens than be my "best friend".

I think you are absolutely justified in letting these kids go. Whatever she's paying you isn't worth the headache of those brats. Maybe when she can't get anyone to watch her children because they are so badly behaved she will wake up and discipline them.

By the way, the word "discipline" doesn't mean to punish. It is actually from a Greek work meaning "to train a child".

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