Saturday, October 24, 2009

Does anyone else's dog eat poo?

My pup just picked up the GROSSEST habit! There's a doggy run at my apartment with this pile of poop that she simply HAS to feast on every time I take her out there. It's disgusting.

I monitor her, and every time I see her going for the pile, I run at her real quick to get her to go away. But sometimes, she's just too fast for me. Why do dogs (or at least, MY dog) eat crap? She's got an entire bowl of food just sitting here, and she wants to eat feces.

I can handle a lot, but this is just nasty. Eat my shoes or something, but leave the sh*t where it is!

Does anyone else's dog eat poo?
Yes, lots of dogs eat crap and some like to roll in it. Clean up after your dog right away or get use to it.
Reply:It happens a lot. It's called Coprophagia. She could have interest in the other dogs poo becuase she may be lacking some nutrients in her own food. Be sure you feed her a good quality dog food. Then maybe you could clean the poo in the run? Does no one clean up after their dogs there? You could also sprinkle cayenne pepper on the pile when you go out there - a couple bites of that and she will not want any more!
Reply:Lots of dogs like to snack from the cat's litter box. Others enjoy eating horse poop. I guess there must be some who eat dog poop. It's all pretty disgusting, isn't it? I guess it must taste good if you're a dog. Maybe you could ask your vet if your dog needs a vitamin supplement or a different kind of food. It could also be that your dog is perfectly healthy and well nourished and just has a nasty habit.
Reply:I can't really offer you any suggestions as to why they do this, but my dog did the same thing. He went as far as eating my toddler's poo. I was changing his diaper and I look over, and sure enough he's over there in the diaper going to town. I just kept spanking him, and telling him no, and eventually he stopped.
Reply:Dogs eat poop when they are protein deprived. Purchase a better grade of dog food, and toss in some cooked chicken livers until the dog no longer feels the need to eat poop.

If you feed a puppy cheap dog food which is mostly corn and low-nutrition fillers, don't be surprised if the dog is still hungry.
Reply:We had a dog that eat human feces once (I will not go in to that story lets just say gross), and my mothers Yorkie loves to go into the horse pen and eat their poop. Ask your vet if you dog is not getting the right stuff from her food and go some where else, if you can, if not clean the run up, better yet ask other owners to, as it is their dogs making the mess.
Reply:You can go to the pet store to get these pills that stop them from doing that. My brother uses them for his dog that loves cat poo. They work great.
Reply:my dog eats poo too it real nasty by the way im 9 and my puppy is 6 months
Reply:allmost all dogs do, if its a huge problem, either clean the run before fido gets in there to dine or take him to a park where theres less poo! if he eats his own, there is stuff you can add to his food to make his poo taste like ..well, (still dont know how to make poo taste worse than it is) and fido wont be tempted o eat it anymore.
Reply:You need to get better dog food they need better nutrients so they eat their poo and after so long it becomes a habit so you need to poop scoop right away

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