Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Do you like this story?I wrote it?

here it is...

Title: Kidnapped

Setting: His house, park, store, cabin, motor home.

Characters: Henry, Bob the kidnapper and is friends, and Henrys mom.

Plot: Henry was playing at his house and he asked his mom if he could go to the park and she said yes, but then we have to go to the store. When they went to the store his mom went to go get some groceries and Henry was walking right behind her, then he saw an awesome toy it was an automaton. He stopped walking and headed for it, 2 minutes later he went to go get his mom again, but she was gone!!! What is he going to do?

To find out what happens next read the story below. It is full of reality, adventure and suspense.

Problem/Solution: Henry gets kidnapped, and with his loud mouth, he finds his way back home.

One nice sunny Saturday morning Henry a 6-year-old boy was playing with his legos and he got bored. He went downstairs and asked his mom if he could go to the park and she said, “yes but then we have to go to Wal-mart after, okay?” When he got to the park he played on the big twirly slide for 35 minutes. “We have to go” his mom yelled. When he got to the store his mom said, “lets go get groceries”. Henry walked behind her and they went to go get some milk and cheese then Henry saw an awesome toy, it was an automaton. Two minutes later Henry turned around to go get his mom because he wanted the toy really bad, but his mom was no where to be found. Henry sat in a corner and started to cry then all of a sudden a man grabbed him and took off to his car. Henry remembered in school not to talk to strangers but he started asking a whole bunch of questions like, who are you? Where are we going and what is your name? He went on and off about questions on the way to the middle of nowhere and then the car stopped right in front of a cabin.

When they reached the door the guy yelled “Stop talking, I am trying to kidnap you”! But the boy would not stop. Then he yelled as loud as he could “shut up!” Henry was shocked. “You just said a bad word,” said Henry. The guy opened the cabin and pulled Henry in with a fight, then slammed the door.

The man quickly tied the boy up to a chair. He said in a very low scary voice, “by the way my name is Bob”. Bob shut the door and went in to a different room. Henry was really scared and started to cry. “Where could my mom be?” the boy whispered.

Bob came back in the room and started to cry. “What is the matter”? Asked Henry. “I did not want to kidnap you these guys made me” three men walked into the room. They were as dirty as dirt, baked in sunlight for about three days. The boy asked them “what do you want with me?” One of the men answered, “It was a dare”. “I dared Bob to kidnap someone and keep him or her for a week”. Another guy said “ kid you will go home in one piece in a week, we will feed you and act like you are our son for seven days, then we will take you back to the store and you can find your mom okay, but if you tell any one that we took you, you are dead meat. Then Henry said in a quite voice “okay”.

The three men quickly untied Henry. But once again Henry started to ask many more questions. The men got extremely frustrated and could not take another word. They left the room and slammed the door. They slammed it so hard it would seem like there was an earthquake. Many things shook or fell over. Henry wished so bad that this was just a nightmare. But he knew it wasn’t.

When it was dinnertime Henry got spinach and broccoli. “Ouwwwww!” said Henry. “Eat it”! Said one of the guys. They were all munching on cake. Why do you get cake and I get spinach and broccoli? One of the guys answered with a full mouth, “cause were adults, you got a problem with that!” “Yes!” Answered Henry “I do”. “You do not get to boss me around, you are not my mom!” One of the guys got up and said, “Go to bed, and without dinner too!” Henry got up from the table and one of the guys took him by Henry’s arm and brought him over to a wooden floor and said ‘this is your bed”. He brought him a very thin blanket and told him to go to sleep.

When Henry woke up he went downstairs and looked for Bob but he could not find him. He went into a room he had never been in before, and saw every one sleeping. They were all sleeping on the biggest bed he had ever seen. It was about the size of 6 cars. In the right corner of the room, there was a chest. It didn’t have a lock on it at all. Henry walked towards it and put his hand out. “Why are you in here”? Bob said “I… I… I was looking for you,” cried Henry. “Well, don’t come in here again”! “What is in that chest”? Henry asked. “Something”. “Just don’t come in here again, okay”? “Okay” cried Henry.

Bob woke everyone up and went back into the room that Henry was tied up in. Then he said, “Stay here” and took Henry by the hand and yanked him out the door. Bob slammed the cabin door and walked to his car with a tight grip on Henry’s hand. Henry once again started to ask questions and it would seem like his questions would never end. Bob got Henry in the car put on his and Henrys seatbelt and stepped on the gas and took of to another place Henry had not seen. Bob got out of the door and grabbed Henry and went to knock on a door that belonged to a motor home.

A few moments later the door opened and their standing was a tall skinny lady with short fuzzy gray hair. Her cloths were made out of animal hair and her shoes were high heels and they were made out of leather. “Hello Bob” said the lady.

“Look what I found” Bob replied.

“Isn’t he cute.” Said the lady. “Hi my name is Veronica,” she said to Henry. Henry listened to them talk for about a half an hour and got bored. He snuck in the motor home and hid in a cabinet, and then he accidentally fell asleep.

When he woke up, it was all a dream he was laying on a wooden floor with the very thin blanket. He hid behind the door and heard them say tomorrow is Monday and we can go to get some wood and food. When he came out from behind the corner he saw everyone sitting at the table he once was before he got sent to bed. Bob said, come eat some oatmeal. Henry got excited because he loved oatmeal, and got up at the table. When he looked in side the bowl he saw one chunk of oatmeal in the bowl and tasted it. It tasted awful. Henry started to gag. Can I have some brown sugar? Asked Henry. No, we do not have any.

Henry didn’t eat anything, and 6 days had now passed. Henry started to get really sick.

The next day Bob took Henry back to the store and put him back in the corner where he found him. Henry felt so sick he started to scream. Everyone gathered around to see what was the matter and recognized it was the boy that was missing. The manager ran over and carried the boy into his office and called his mom. They laid Henry down and went to go get a pharmacist. When the manager came back he had a pharmacist at his side. Henry was so ill he could not open his eyes at all. The pharmacist checked him just like a doctor would and said “I think Henry has not been eating for a while.” “Henry when did you eat last?” “I can not remember.” Henry replied. The pharmacist came back with medicine. Take some of this he said. Henry gulped it down. A few moments later Henry’s Mom came in the office and hugged Henry w/tears. “Where have you been?” Cried Henry’s Mom. Henry hesitate with a bubble in his mind saying to him…

“ Kid you will go home in one piece in a week, we will feed you and act like you are our son for seven days, then we will take you back to the store and you can find your mom okay, but if you tell any one that we took you, you are dead meat!

Henry knew he was safe now. “A couple of guys took me and fed me food that was grouse and made me sick.” The manager asked. “Do you know his license plate number?” “Yes, I think I could remember it.” Answered Henry. “It’s BOB.H27.

That night Henry went home and ate so much he was felling better again.

In the morning Henry, his Mom and Dad were all watching the news and there was Bob and all of his friends with police surrounding them. Henry said “yay!” He is gone forever. Henry and his family hugged and they sent Henry off to school with an adventure to tell.

The End!

Do you like this story?I wrote it?
Not a bad story... but I wish Bob would have had some heroism in him and all of that...
Reply:Please, keep your day job and leave the writing to professionals.
Reply:you have potential,needs to be more refined..........
Reply:Honestly, It was a very boring predictable story. BUt it could POSSIBLY be a childrens story if you did ALOT of editing.
Reply:not a bad story


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